Formulario de Afiliación

Membership Form

Thank you for choosing to be part of our esteemed Chamber.

The Chamber's membership levels for 2025 have been established by the Board of Directors based on the annual turnover of companies. Large flagship Nordic companies are in Level 1 with an annual fee of $U 42,000; consulting and research firms, as well as member companies of the Board of Directors, are in Level 2, with an annual fee of $U 29,000; and the remaining members and SMEs are in Level 3, with an annual fee of $U 21,000.

Membership Form

According to Article 14 of our bylaws, members may resign their membership by giving written notice to the President at least one month before the end of the first half of the chamber's fiscal year. Otherwise, they must pay the full annual fee regardless of their resignation. By clicking the "JOIN" button, you confirm your agreement to this condition.

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